Friday, December 31, 2010

Right before Christmas Ellia did some little smiles, and she likes to kick and play under things that move. Ellery adores her, and really Ellery must be sort of pestering her at times. These are fairly uneventful videos, but I want to capture and remember the way she moves around and the little sounds and faces of a baby!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010--Here are some of the pictures we snapped over Christmas in Kentucky. Ellia has just begun making her first smiles, and we tried to capture those. You will see we also captured her sleeping with Noni and being fed by Noni and Tia Kate. We also enjoyed our visit with the Kalanys, and they enjoyed holding her. Last night she went about 10 1/2 hours at night without eating, so maybe a full night's sleep will be a late Christmas present to mommy.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Who does Ellia look like? This bottom picture was taken on December 11th, and in this picture she looks like Elan. He used to sleep just like this! The other pictures are with Ellery. Maybe Ellia looks like her too. It is still early to tell, but it is apparent that Ellery adores her little baby sister!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

We probably don't need this many of these pictures, but daddy got carried away. We wanted to document how Ellia sleeps like Elan did when he was a baby. If you look back at his blog, you will find his arms over his head like this. Quite funny!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A few hospital videos from Ellia's birth. The first is just her looking around. The other two show how Ellery does not want Elan to touch the baby. She wants to be the mama I guess!