Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ellia is 1! Mommy is sad because her baby is one, but we enjoyed the day anyway. Her party was simple with a pumpkin tasting and looking cake and Dee and Pop came over. Ellia enjoyed her cards and cake and gifts. On the day of her first birthday, she started standing up from the floor but still no steps.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Three blind mice! Halloween costumes this year were coordinating with all three dressing alike. Ellia had her first sucker (thanks Lisa Claytor) at New Armuchee's truck or treat. She enjoyed the candy, and she also enjoyed playing with a balloon. Even though she spent a lot of time in the stroller at trunk or treat and trick-or-treating on Halloween night, she was happy as usual!

PUMPKINS! Ellia was more interested in "tasting" her baby pumpkin, but she did enjoy watching Elan and Ellery work on carving their pumpkins.

We did our best to document Ellia drinking from a straw. These aren't perfect pics, but she loves to stick her lips out to suck. It is comical!

Had to take a picture of Ellia's sleeping position. Yes, it is a common one among babies, but we all know they quit doing this at some point. Not sure how they get that rear so high in the air and still sleep! A few bath pictures included as well! One of these days won't be able to get all three in the tub. It is a tight squeeze even now!