Ellia's two month visit to the doctor was today. She will be 10 weeks old tomorrow. She weighed 11 lbs 13 oz, and she was 22 inches long. We captured a few good pictures yesterday of serious looks, smiles, and almost laughing!

Snow doesn't mean much to Ellia, but this could be the most snow she will "see" in her childhood since we don't see much in Georgia. She has just viewed it from inside the house, though, as it has been cold too!

Two months old--Ellia does a lot of smiles these days, and we tried to capture them for her two month old picture. Thank goodness she is into a better routine each day and can fall asleep on her own without screaming for an hour. She eats around 7 PM, goes to bed around 8, and has been waking once to eat between 4 and 5:30. Maybe soon she can repeat her one night of going from 7 to 7 without eating. We look forward to that day!