Loving a dirty shoe--we went to Chickfila for concerts on the patio where they featured a local Christian band. Ellia sat in Ellery's chair and started chewing her shoe. It was beyond cute so I couldn't resist. Hopefully the germs were few!

Last Sunday morning, July 17th, Anthony took some pics of early morning fun. I grabbed the camera to document the way the kids pile in the bed with him when they wake up and he is still in bed. Mommy is always up and about already!
I have gotten carried away posting pics on Ellia's blogs, but Brianna who went on our trip captured some amazing pics of Ellia. Lots of pics with Ellia with others who went on the mission trip--everyone enjoyed her!
Some recent pictures of Ellia--the one above was taken July 15th. Just one of my most favorite baby outfits, and she was smiling to go with it. Below that are two pictures from the day she was 8 months old. Mommy says she is growing way too fast. She is now rolling over, from one end of the room to the other. She scoots a little and tries to crawl. Not sure that she will be longer before she is on the move!The pictures below that are from our trip to Mexico. Alexis is a boy there that adores Ellery and Ellia so we snapped some pics of that. We have a picture of our sponsored girls with our children as well. The other pictures are from San Diego, including one of Lito holding her in the Baby Bjorn. She loves sightseeing in that thing!