Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ellia had a good week at the beach, although most of her time was spent on the deck of the house in a kiddie pool that we found. Daddy fixed the one hole in the kiddie pool with some tape, and we enjoyed wading in that up on the deck with no sand and no waves. She started saying a couple new words--shoe, hat, key, and book--during our week at the beach.

Ellia had to wear a mustache too for Lito's 60th surprise birthday party, thanks to Tia Kate's idea.

enjoying the first kiddie pool before we found the bigger one

Popcorn at the hotel in Mobile, AL when we had to evacuate on account of Tropical Storm Debby. Glad we only lost one afternoon, evening, and day and were able to return to the beach.
Tia Kate handled all three quite well!
a park in Mobile, AL
Ellia wearing daddy's hat and sitting by the waves

being silly and climbing in a box in the house
a fmaily picture

lounging around

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